The ISGAN Glossary is a project of the International Smart Grid Action Network, a multilateral collaboration between governments to advance the development and deployment of smarter electric grid policies, practices and systems. The Glossary utilizes OpenEI's collaborative, wiki-based platform to...
Conference 2015, which will be held at at the University of Bern (CH) on June 4 and June 5 in 2015. The conference brings together people from data intensive science, resource providers, developers of resource connectors and industry. It offers contributions on the following topics.
The EGI Conference 2015 is scheduled for 18-22 May in Lisbon, Portugal. The event will take place at ISCTE-IUL, a business school located at the heart of the University of Lisbon’s campus. The programme is available through the conference’s Indico pages.
CERN, DESY, STFC, FAIR/GSI and ELTE, SZTAKI, WIGNER together with the HEPTech Network , are organising two Academia - Industry Matching events on Information Technology, focusing on Big Data Applications in Science and Industry.
Grid and CERN
EGI - European Grid Infrastructure
GridLab - A Grid Application Toolkit and Testbed Poland
Africa Grid Science Gateway
The Earth Server Initiative
IS-ENES Exploring climate model data
The Weather Research & Forecasting Model
European Plate Observing System
EUDAT - European...